Each One Hold One (EOHO) is an initiative based on the principle that a simple, profound idea can Change the World.
Simple Idea
We want to build and form part of a world that is supportive and enabling of women in their personal and business lives. This is not a unique or new idea. It is an idea that at its simplest is one woman – holding another in conversation to hear, to be heard, to engage, to share. It is a simple act of solidarity in an organised manner that we believe can grow exponentially.
Call to Action
We do and call on other women to commit to holding in conversation/s one other woman who has the need for growth, comfort and care. We will connect with each other to share our experiences of building a community of women who put each other at the centre of our development as a nation. We will share insights and short practical tools on how to support:
Listening and Appreciative Enquiry
Encouraging positive conversations
Eradicating self-doubt and limiting belief awareness
Having honest conversations
Setting boundaries
Monitoring progress in self-development
For the month of March, mindful of the prevailing circumstance of a National Disaster concerning the COVID-19 EPIDEMIC – we ask that you reach out beyond your known family, business or work system to connect with other women and support her coping with the inevitable disruptions to life.
In light of the NECESSARY call for social distancing, connecting and supporting via these platforms will make the transition through this challenging phase less lonely so let's commit to being part of a community that drives positive Change and support!
We are
Charmaine Soobramoney, Melissa Dolphin-Rowland and Kubeshni Govender (we) are professionals who have experienced the power of connected support and engagement. Our act of collective solidarity comes from the intention of ‘paying it forward’.
Charmaine Soobramoney is a Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner with a legal and finance background. With over two decades of leadership experience, she currently serves organisations either in a non-executive director capacity or as a business coach. For most of her life, she has been on a mission to mobilise positive change. She is the founder of the "I am the Change and Free" movement.
Melissa Dolphin – Rowland is an accredited Family and Divorce Mediator with the South African Association of Mediators (SAAM) and ADR International. She sits on the executive committee for SAAM. She is also a chartered graduate member of the British Psychological Society (MBPsS) and holds an Honours degree in Psychology and is currently conducting master’s research through the Psychology department at UNISA in collaboration with the Institute of Dispute Resolution Africa (IDRA).
Kubeshni Govender is a Knowledge, Learning and Leadership consultant with an OD focus, working with large and small systems through coaching and facilitation interventions as a Gestalt Organisational Development Practitioner. She is the Chairperson of the Board of Associates of Gender Links; an NGO promoting gender equality and justice across fifteen countries and has run Black Earth Consulting, a public sector management consulting company for 13 years.
Connect with us
If you share our intention, let us and the world know by liking and sharing the links below:
Or email us on connect@eoho.info
Best wishes
Melissa, Kubeshni & Charmaine
Thank you for stopping by
I wish you Love, light, happiness and Freedom
Charmaine Soobramoney
"I am the Change and Free" Movement