It is with heavy hearts that we commemorate the 18th of July 2020, Mandela Day. In the week that commemorates his birth, we see the memorial of his daughter and former ambassador, Zindzi Mandela. May her soul rest in peace.
On the day dedicated to the memory of Nelson Mandela – we the founders of Each One Hold One have chosen to support The Each One Feed One campaign by donating to the cause at
https://www.nelsonmandela.org/each1-feed1 . We urge our stakeholders, friends and followers – who have means to join us.
It is also in this week that the National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS) Coronavirus Rapid Mobile Survey reveals that due to the COVID pandemic employment in South Africa has declined substantially and that the effects of this are largest for the most disadvantaged. Inequalities along traditional lines of race, gender, occupation, earnings, location and education have all grown significantly. Women have been more severely affected than men during the ‘hard lockdown’ stages of the pandemic: “Net job losses were higher for women than men with women accounting for two-thirds of the total net job losses. Among those who remained in employment, there was also a bigger fall in average hours worked per week for women than men”. [1]
Nelson Mandela had an appreciation for the emancipation of the Women of this nation. When he was our first President Mandela, in a letter to the then Deputy President Thabo Mbeki, urged for the government to prioritise the appointment of women to the public sector, he said: “Our country has reached the point where the representation of women is accepted as essential for the success of our policy of building a just and equitable society … “[2]
The COVID19 pandemic threatens any progress that Women have made during our democracy. We, the founders of Each One Hold One continue to volunteer our time and expertise toward the simple act of supporting at least one other. Our Connect Series focusses on the hard and soft issues impacting Women in this moment. We invite you to join us in the act of giving, today – on Mandela Day, and for everyday after.
In our leader's memory please share your acts of giving today and the EOHO team will keep the spirits and memories by capturing these on our social media pages. Email connect@eoho.info
Charmaine, Melissa and Kubeshni
EOHO Founders
[1] https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2020-07-15-the-day-the-bottom-fell-out-of-south-africa-a-triple-pandemic-has-hit-us/#gsc.tab=0
[2] NM letter to Thabo Mbeki, 6 June 1994, SANA, DP Pres Mbeki, box 002, folder 11/1/1
In the words of Nelson Mandela, "It is in your hands to make a better world for all who live in it"
Every act of kindness makes an impact. Choose KINDNESS daily!
Be kind, be good, ALWAYS REMEMBER to keep your distance and stay safe, well and happy!
I am sending you all love, light, happy and healing energy!
Thank you for stopping by:
I wish you love, light, happiness and Freedom
Charmaine Soobramoney
I Am the Change and Free - Founder
Each One Hold One (Eoho) - Co-founder
#IAmTheChangeandFree #Courage #Supportothers #Success #Equality #BlackLivesMatter#Respect#NelsonMandela#ActionAgainstPoverty#Each1feed1