If you are reading this, congratulations you clearly survived the 35-day lockdown.
Your survival is confirmation that you are resilient to survive the next chapter.
Tomorrow may be your first onsite workday. You are probably feeling a little uncertain. It is okay to feel anxious as we are navigating through largely unknown territory.
The ONE thing that we are CERTAIN about is that COVID-19 needs you and I to give it wings to spread.
Let us commit to defeating this enemy by:
Wearing our mask
Washing our hands regularly
Stop touching our face, especially our mouth, eyes and nose
Like me, if you have sensitive eyes and wear contact lenses, choose to wear your glasses as it serves as an added layer of protection
After one use, wash your mask daily
Keeping a 2-metre distance from your colleagues or in public spaces
If you use the office landline, wipe it down before use
Disinfect your workstation regularly
Drink liquids regularly, especially warm liquids
I am a natural hugger, and this is challenging for me to say and do, PLEASE do not HUG your workmates tomorrow.
Continue to spread love, light, kindness and happiness. The world needs this more now than ever
Go straight home after your workday. Stay home!
Comply with the regulations as the intention behind the restrictions is not to steal your joy and happiness, but to defeat COVID-19.
I used the 35 lockdown to learn and test many things about me.
I learnt that we are resilient creatures and in times of challenges and uncertainty there are opportunities. In order to unlock these opportunities, we need to work on moving our minds from a state of constant anxiety to a balanced happier state.
I achieved this daily by:
1) Creating structure and routine in my life
I opened my eyes to music
Baked (we did not go to the shops, so I learnt to bake bread. Practice perfects your skills. I learnt a new skill. I costed it. If I need too, I have a plan to monetise it) My goal was to feed my family but also add to my skills and resources. Adopting this way of life will hold each of us in good stead in the “new way of life” Some call it life after COVID
Offering, my services for free to 4 people or institutions daily.
I chat with my family and friends daily
Using 2 hours of my day for self-development and learning
Only spending 30 minutes in front of the television
2) Expressing 3 things I am grateful for
3) Thanking technology, I was able to remotely support a minimum of 4 people/institutions daily and keep in touch with family and friends.
4) I journaled
With structure, engagement and purpose, I did not survive the lockdown, I thrived. Many people thrived. I learnt we all have the potential to thrive. We need to CHOOSE happiness and find joy in the things we do or choose to do. (If you finding it challenging to Choose happiness, please email me and I will support you.) Thereafter map out your individual sense of purpose and flow, shape it, develop it, refine it and grow it.
At the end of a few days, I was exhausted. However, my purpose to ignite the world with love, light, happiness and Freedom energised me to continue support, encourage and mobilise the behaviours needed to drive this Change and the need to unlock resources to generate income.
South Africa’s unemployment rate is going to continue to rise, my drive to reduce this prior to COVID is more challenging now, however with your support and desire to embrace the new way of life we can have a better outcome. Please join me on this path by finding and improving your money-making skills.
My fellow members of the stronger sex, if you need personal or business support, please connect with the Each One Hold One (eoho) initiative that I co-founded with Melissa Dolphin-Rowland and Kubeshni Govender - www.eoho.info
Always remember that in life, there are things you can control and things you cannot. Focus and put the bulk of your energy and time on the things you can control. Be open to trying out new things. Choose courage, over fear. In failure too, there is growth. Be yourself as you were not meant to fit inside that “man-made box”
On that note defeating Covid-19 is in our control. We got this! Have a safe, happy and a magical week ahead!
I am sending you all, love, light, happy and healing energy!!
Thank you for stopping by:
I wish you love, light, happiness and Freedom
Charmaine Soobramoney
I Am the Change and Free - Founder
EachOneHoldOne (Eoho) - Co-founder
#Covid-19 #IAmTheChangeandFree #Courage #Supportothers #ProudlySA #Success #Equality #EOHO