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Self love this Valentine’s Day

Writer: Charmaine SoobramoneyCharmaine Soobramoney

This beautiful piece was written by my soul sister Melissa Dolphin-Rowland for our Each One Hold One (EOHO) blog. The power behind Melissa's words and her personal declaration of intent is selfless and a message that needs to reach as many lives as possible......

I have to confess February 14th has always been and will continue to be a non-event for me. I AM love, light, happiness, freedom and peace. As long as I am breathing I choose to live my life and influence the world in this way. The choice is ours!

Repost from:

"Love is one of the most desired conditions in the world. People seek it all of their lives but seldom get enough of it. It is a commodity for which people have an insatiable appetite. The more they get the more they want. It creates feelings of the most intense delight such that, with its first encounter, people remember it forever. However, it is also one of the most painful conditions. It is on the mind of the masses to such an extent that probably no other subject has been expressed in so much song, poetry and prose.

In a society where romance and finding true love is often defined as one of the main keys to happiness, being single becomes synonymous with living an unfulfilled life. Movies and fairytales show that individual achievements and personal acceptance are not enough. Love for another or finding “the one” is considered driving factors for fulfilment or happiness. An important concept that doesn’t receive enough attention on Valentine’s Day is the concept of SELF-LOVE.

Self-love and self-acceptance are crucial to your development as is the openness to receive love. If you harbour in your consciousness ideas of being unworthy or undeserving, these thoughts will hinder your ability to open fully to receive the love that is intended for you.

To have UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for yourself at all times may mean that you will have to reprogram yourself. All your life you have been told to work hard to become a certain kind of person, to deserve this or that. You constantly measure yourself against your idealised picture of what you would like to be, or what you feel you should be. When you fail to measure up to these ideals, you restrict and punish yourself by cutting back on your love for yourself.

Though it may be difficult what you need to do is to continue to love yourself unconditionally, despite yourself criticisms and your failure to measure up to your own standards. Throw your judgements, rather than yourself love out of the window. Love yourself more, and you will find yourself experiencing more, manifesting more and creating the perfect situations for yourself, attracting to yourself that which you have longed for - whether that is on a material level or simply taking the time to take nap.

There are many ways in which you can love yourself more. You need to nurture yourself. You are not hurting anyone by taking care of yourself; you are only giving more. By giving more to yourself you have more to give others. Know how wonderful, how incredible, you are. You are deserving of prosperity, abundance, beauty and love in your relationships; of good food, beautiful places to live, incredible experiences and a continuous connection with your self.

One way or another, dreams will come true, so be conscious of your dreaming DREAM BIG!

In order, to ensure that you make self-love a life-long commitment, write yourself a declaration of intent. I would like to share mine with you which I wrote on the 9th February 2015…..

I will learn to love myself more,

despite my perceived flaws and imperfections.

This love that I develop for myself

will become a lifelong journey; forever growing.

The love that I have for myself will be unconditional.

It is I that is responsible for loving myself.

And because of this love for myself, I am deserving.

Because of this love for myself, I am deserving of loving others.

By Melissa Dolphin-Rowland

Spreading some SELF-LOVE this Valentine's Day"


My daily well-being/self-love rituals include music and water. Our world right now does not allow for crowded pool and dance parties. We need to tap into the joy and love within. Free our mind and create our happiness unconditionally - no connection to people and things. This requires focussed effort, time and patience but it is achievable. This is the only sustainable way to live a free, fulfilled and happier life! The visuals and music ground my soul. I hope you enjoy it too. Sending you love, light and healing energy! Stay safe, Beautiful People!

Thank you for stopping by!

I wish you love, light, happiness, and Freedom

Charmaine Soobramoney

I Am the Change and Free – Founder

Each One Hold One (EOHO) - Co-founder

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