South Africa is a beautiful country, rich in culture, people and values. The Zulu greeting Sawubona – “I see you”. When we truly see all people through our warm greeting, a genuine smile, taking a moment to exchange a few words we spread joy, hope, love and so much more. This simple connection has the potential to Change lives in our world.

Martha Machinjiri & Emily Sloan pictured
Emily Sloan a beautiful soul and a fellow director at the Each One Hold One NPC recently demonstrated the impact of conversation and a simple act of kindness that went viral and received support outside the borders of South Africa. This is how it unfolded:
Emily Sloan’s Actual post on Facebook:
Hi guys, meet Marta who works for us 2 days a week. She lives in Masi and is such an inspiration as a female entrepreneur. She rents out 2 wedding dresses to the local community to help feed her 4 children.
So, this is a call to anyone who might want to donate their wedding dress to her. I will sponsor the courier costs to get them to her.
Holding thumbs.
So, Emily what happened next?
Within 3 hours of this post going live, twelve ladies offered to donate their dresses. When I told Martha she was overwhelmed and with tears welling up in her eyes she said she didn’t think people cared this way anymore.
By midnight I was furiously trying to draw up a spreadsheet of everyone who had offered dresses- the post had gone viral and women from across the country (and even from overseas) were offering up their dresses in support of Martha’s clever wedding dress business.
Ninety-two comments and 192 shares later we must have about sixty ladies who have offered to donate their dresses. We have collected about fifteen so far and are excited to see how many more materialise. We were even interviewed by Sunday Times and written about on Times Live
This has been an incredible example of women supporting each other. It has been so beautiful to see how quickly women offer up one for their most prized possessions to support another woman doing what she needs to do to support her family.
I think it is precisely this energy that gives us hope for the future in a world where women claim their power and collaborate to make a difference.
This is powerful Emily, thank you for being YOU! Love you!
So, what is kindness?
Kindness is the many ways we show care, concern and consideration for both ourselves and the people in our world. Acts of kindness do not require you to part with your money.
Kindness is a supportive and a warm smile, a comforting hug, words of encouragement, compassionate acts of generosity.
In a world filled with struggle, in my experience, kindness replenishes us with goodness and hope. It gives us the strength to journey on despite the struggles.
Change and influence for good are in our hands. In the spirit of Each One Hold One, let’s impact one life at a time and pray that acts of kindness are paid forward. The world needs all of us to step into our power and make the Change!
Should you wish to support Martha by either donating or hiring a dress reach out via
Spread the love and Be KIND!
Take good care and stay safe, well and happy!
Thank you for stopping by!
I wish you love, light, happiness, and Freedom
Charmaine Soobramoney
I Am the Change and Free – Founder
Each One Hold One (EOHO) - Co-founder
#IAmTheChangeAndFree #Equality #Change #Kindness #Respect #EOHO
#womenhelpingwomen #WomenInBusiness #Activists #resilience #personalgrowth #Servantleadership #KeepMoving